November 1924
November 1924
November 1924
Whist Drive and Dance
Whist Drive and Dance
Social events were very popular in the 1920s. This report is from the Consett Guardian dated 7th November 1924.
The Club held their events in St Aidan's Hall, which was close by.
St. Aidan’s Parish Church on Laburnum Avenue (then Cemetery Road) was built in 1885. with the tower being added in 1905/7. The bells were installed in 1922 and the first successful peal on the bells was rung in January 1923, our Club's foundation year. More details are available at North East Bells. The church closed in the mid-1990s.
CONSETT PARK BOWLING CLUBWHIST DRIVE AND DANCEConsett Park Bowling Club held a successful whist drive and dance in St Aidan’s Hall, Blackhill, last Friday. Useful and valuable prizes were competed for and the following were the winners:- Ladies: 1, Miss E. George; 2, Mrs Fox; 3, Miss Eustace; 4, Mrs Russell; booby prize, Mrs Thursfield. Gentlemen: 1, Mr. Morgan; 2, Mr. Richards; 3, Mr. Park; 4. Mr. Henderson; booby prize, Mr Dunn.The prizes were presented to the winners by Mr. George, the President of the club. He also handed over the prizes and trophies won during the past season to the following:Club championship for the President’s trophy: 1, Mr. J. Heatley, gold medal and replica of trophy; 2, Mr..J. Eustace jun., travelling bag.Rink Competition for Chairman’s Cup - winning rink Messrs Reed, Fox Lake, and Mangles (skip).Mr. Alsop, the Chairman of the club, in asking Mr. George to make the presentation, gave a brief account of the clubs doings during the past season, especially referring to the excellent spirit of good fellowship prevailing amongst the members, which made the task of the Management Committee so light.Mr George expressed his pleasure in being with them, and said how much he enjoyed the entertainment. He recounted the past history of the Park, comparing it with the present; formally it was thought to be little more than a short cut between Blackhill and Consett. Now, with bowls, tennis, putting greens, it was a place where all could find enjoyment, and it was a great satisfaction to know that what had been provided was appreciated and made full use of. On behalf of the club he wished to thank the following donors of the whist prizes:- Mr. Alsop, Mr. Stephen Ainsley, Mr. W. Davidson, Mr. F. O. Kirkup. Mr. Macfadzean, Dr. Murray, Mr. R. Park, Coun. W. D. Reed, Mr. H. P. Robinson, Mr. H. H. Wattsford. Also to thank the sub-committee Messrs. Alsop, Reed, Clough, Robinson, Park and Richardson for the excellent arrangements made.
St Aidan's Church, before the tower was added
St Aidan's Church, with tower