History > 1940s > 1942


Annual Meeting 1942

This report is from the Newcastle Journal dated 9th May 1942.

NEW BOWLS PRESIDENTAt the annual meeting of Consett Park Bowling Club it was announced that the president, Sir Edward George, had tendered his resignation, owing to now living away from the district.Mr Ralph Alsop, director and general manager of Consett Iron Company, was elected to fill the vacancy.The club's representatives, Messrs. A. Proud, W. Burleigh, J. B. Clough, and R. Gowland (s.) had won the county rink competition for the first time.

In other news

On the same page of the Newcastle Journal...

Cutlery Came BackWhen cutlery began to disappear from a Tyneside works canteen, the management decided customers must deposit half a crown for a knife, fork and spoon.Stock-taking revealed an increase in the quantity of cutlery, which can only be accounted for by the assumption that the opportunity to receive half a crown had proved attractive.  