History > 1950s > 1951


County Benevolent Fund

This article, by "Skip" is from the Sunderland Echo Shipping Gazette dated 26th May 1951. It relates to a scheme instigated by Ralph Alsop in 1948. The scheme set up was the County Benevolent Fund. This was "a fund to assist necessitous bowlers" in County Durham.

The general activities of the Durham County (E.B.A.) Bowling Association are fairly well know to the bowlers of the 97 clubs in membership, but there is one particular phase of their work which may well profit if given wider publicity. I refer, of course, to the County Benevolent Fund.It was in 1948 that the late Mr Ralph Alsop (then president of the E.B.A.) thought that Durham was very backward when compared with other counties on the score of benevolence, and suggested that consideration be given to the founding of a fund to assist necessitous bowlers.A fund was immediately started, and since its inception subscriptions have been steadily coming in both from clubs and individuals, and by the end of 1950 a sum of over £550 had been raised. With this amount in hand the County Benevolent Committee decided to accept cliams, and up to date two have been received and grants made.Inquiries in respect of claims for assistance are kept to the minimum because club committees before forwarding a case for consideration, ensure that the application is genuine and well worthy of a grant.I am of the opinion that the fund is worthy of every support, and subscribers may rest assured that contributions to the fund will be gratefully received and faithfully applied.

Ralph Alsop was Consett Park's first chairman. His death was reported in the Sunderland Echo and Shipping Gazette dated 7th October 1950.

“BOWLS FOR FRIENDSHIP”The man, who described bowls as the finest game in the world for building and keeping friendships, Mr Ralph Alsop, has died at the age of 67, at Darlington, to-day.Mr Alsop, who was deputy controller of iron and steel during World War II, became president of the English Bowling Association in 1947.