Durham County

History > Durham County

Durham County

There have been various changes to the Durham County (and England) governing bodies over the years. Some of the key dates are shown below.

1903 - English Bowling Association

The English Bowling Association was founded in 1903 by cricketer W. G. Grace, who was elected its first president.

1922 - Durham County and Yorkshire Bowling Association

1922 saw the formation of the Durham and Yorkshire Joint Association, who became affiliated to the English Bowling Association.

1931 - English Women's Bowling Association

The Founder President of the English Women’s Bowling Association was Mrs Clara Johns (Sussex).

1932 - Durham County Bowling Association

In 1932 Durham became independent of Yorkshire, and was called the Durham County Bowling Association.

Durham County Women’s Bowling Association

Formation year not known. If you can help please contact us.

2008 - Bowls England

Bowls England was formed in 2008 following a merger of the English Bowling Association and the English Women's Bowling Association.

2008 - Bowls Durham

On January 1st 2008 the Durham County Bowling Association (DCBA) and the Durham County Women’s Bowling Association (DCWBA) officially unified to form Bowls Durham. 

Consett Park Bowling Club members who have been president of the County, made honorary members by the County, or won County competitions can be found using the links below.  


Honorary Members

Winners *Updated 2023*