2022 Past Events

Events > 2022 Past Events

2022 Past Events

Social Night, including Prize Quiz

Saturday 9th April 2022 7:00pm

Members and their guests

All the usual activities will be available, including dominos, darts, quoits and target bowls.  The bar will be open.

There will also be a Prize Quiz, starting at about 8:00.  Teams of 3 or 4 will be drawn on the night.  It costs £1 per person to enter, with half the stake money going to the winning team, and half to club funds.  Don't worry if you don't like quizzing - you might be drawn with some seasoned quizzers (and it will only last an hour or so). 

Carpet Bowls 

Sunday 10th April 2022 1:00pm

Members only

Carpet bowls resumes after the club refurbishment.

The clubhouse will be open for our usual weekly Tuesday and Thursday carpet bowls sessions from 1:00pm.  

Opening of the Green

Monday 18th April 2022 1:00pm

Members only

The season will start with a "spider".  All the players bowl at the same time, from the edge of the green to the jack in the centre, and the closest to the jack wins a prize, kindly donated by Paul Macmillan. 

Then the ladies will play the gentlemen in a match starting at 2:00pm.  

All members are welcome. Light refreshments will be provided.

Bowls England Coaching

Saturday 30th April 2022 10:00am

Members only

From 10:00 am at the clubhouse, Mal Evans, Bowls England Head Coach will be attending the club to provide a coaching session to all of the members. 

This will be followed by a match between the President's Team and the Chairman's Team (see below). 

Bacon/sausage rolls, teas & coffees will be available and the bar will be open.

President's Team vs Chairman's Team

Saturday 30th April 2022 2:30pm

Members only

The President and the Chairman will each pick a team, who will then play each other. The selection process means the teams should be well-balanced and the game should be close. The winning team is the one that scores most shots across all the rinks. All playing members are encouraged to join;  we can accommodate 48 players. There is a list on the notice board in the clubhouse, so please sign up.

This match will re-create the tradition that started in the 1920s. We will be posting more information about the early years on our Club History pages.  In the meantime, you can read the Consett Guardian's report of the 1928 match in the PDF below; it lists the players and the result.  You can also read the 1927 report from the Newcastle Journal; it includes the result, but does not list the players.

1928-05-04 Consett Guardian Opening.pdf
1927-04-17 Newcastle Journal Opening.pdf

Early winners of the competition

1924 President E. J. George 

1925 Chairman R. Alsop 

1926 President E. J. George 

1927 President E. J. George

1928 Chairman R. Alsop 

1929 Chairman R. Alsop

If you know the result in any other years please let us know.

Italian Night

Saturday 7th May 2022 7:00pm for 7:30pm

Members and their guests

£10 per person.  Admission is by ticket, which must be bought in advance.  Places are limited by the size of the clubhouse, so don't leave it too late. Please see Pamela or David. 

Enjoy an Italian night in the clubhouse.   There will be a three course meal, with choices for each course.  Please make your choices when you buy your ticket, so we know how much to cook. 

Tickets sales are now closed; all the tickets have been sold.

Italian Night poster

Draw for Internal Competitions

Tuesday 10th May 2022 4:30pm

Members only.

The draw for the internal club competitions will be made in the clubhouse after the Tuesday league match, which should conclude about 4pm-4.30pm. 

If you would like to be part of the draw, everyone is welcome to attend. Refreshments will be available from the bar. 

If you're not already in the draw for these competitions (all mixed events, ladies' & men's) you may still enter by attending the club before 4.30pm on Tuesday.

Open Triples Competition

Sunday 15th May 2022 9:30am 

We are holding an Open 3 Wood Triples competition at the club. Food & refreshments will be available.

Short Jack Pairs Competition

Thursday 19th May 2022 3:00pm

Members only

The game will follow most of the standard bowling rules, but the jack will always be placed at the shortest legal length at the start of each end..

The document below gives more details.

Entries for this competition are limited to a maximum of 24 players - twelve pairs playing on six rinks. 

The entry fee is £1 per person – half the money goes to the winning pair and half to the club.

For an extra £2 you can have pizza after the competition; please tick the box when you sign up to play. 

Short Jack Pairs.pdf

Arts and Crafts Fair

Sunday 22nd May 2022 11:00am-4:00pm


Free admission

We will be holding our first Arts and Crafts Fair in the clubhouse, so please come along and support the event.  There will be some quality, hand-made products for sale. It would be very helpful if you could spread the word to family and friends. 

The normal Sunday roll-up will still take place, with rinks available from 11:00, but there will be limited seating available in the clubhouse. 

Arts and Crafts Fair poster

Big Bowls Weekend

Weekend of 28th & 29th May 2022

This is the Big Bowls weekend, supported by Bowls England. This will incorporate our own open day with various planned events.

Saturday 28th May 2022

On Saturday afternoon there will a league game against Lanchester.

Sunday 29th May 2022 11:00am

On Sunday, from 11:00 there will be a Family Day at the Club.  We are very grateful to Peter Haney Energy Efficient Windows Ltd for sponsoring this event.

The public, of all ages, will be encouraged to try their hand at bowls.  

Also available will be Crazy Golf (on the redundant green), Face-painting, Refreshments, and a Tombola.  

The bowling will be free, but charges will apply for the other activities. 

The Queens Jubilee

Thursday 2nd to Sunday 5th June 2022

On Thursday there will be a Jubilee Afternoon Tea (see below).

On Saturday evening there will be a Race Night (see below). 

Jubilee Afternoon Tea

Thursday 2nd June 2022 3:30pm

Members and their guests

As part of the Queen's Platinum Jubilee Celebrations there will be a Jubilee Afternoon Tea with Prosecco or no alcohol fruit punch.

Join in a sing-a-long to Last Night of the Proms (hats and flag waving compulsory!)

£4 to all members and their guests.  Please see notice board in the club house to enter names.

Race Night

Saturday 4th June 2022 7:00pm

Members and their guests

There will be a Race Night in the clubhouse.   Please see poster below for details.

John Haney Over 60s Competition

Sunday 12th June 2022 11:00am

Members over 60

The competition will continue throughout the day, concluding with the final.

Darren James Jack Bond Competition

Sunday 19th June 2022 11:00am

Members only

The competition will continue throughout the day, concluding with the final. 

There will be rinks available for a roll-up in the afternoon.

Home Match v Snods Edge 

Monday 20th June 1:30pm

There will be a dual carpet and outdoor bowling match.  There is an entry form on the notice board in the club house.

Teas/coffees, biscuits  will be provided at half time.

Jumbles Pairs

Thursday 23rd June 2022 6:30pm

Members only.  The deadline for entries is 23rd June 2022 6:15pm

This is a good opportunity for members to play with different people, and in different positions (lead or skip).  There will be a random draw before the start of each game, so everyone has a reasonable chance of winning the competition.

The games involves playing in pairs, but your partner keeps changing.  You play lead or skip, and change rinks throughout the competition.  You will play four games of four ends with four bowls.  

In anticipation of a hot June evening, half way through there will be a break for an ice cream lolly or ice cream cornet.

Jumbles Pairs.pdf

Stella Logan (Women) Durham vs Cumbria

Friday 24th June 2022 1:30pm

Spectators welcome

Consett Park Bowling Club hosts a County match between Durham and Cumbria.

Mixed Pairs Competition

Sunday 26th June 2022 11:00am

Members only

The competition will continue throughout the day, concluding with the final.

There will be rinks available for a roll-up in the afternoon.

Social Night, including Zero Bowls

Saturday 2nd July 2022 6:30pm

Members and their guests

The evening will start at 6:30 with a “Zero Bowls” competition, which will take a couple of hours. It costs £1 to enter. If you want to take part in the competition please be at the club by 6:30, when the draw will take place.  See the file below for an explanation of "Zero Bowls".

The remainder of the evening will be spent in the club house, playing the usual games, or just having a chat and a drink with friends.

You can take part in whatever you feel like on the night!

P.S. If you feel hungry, you can buy a slice of pizza.

Zero Bowls Pairs.pdf

Mixed Triples Competition

Sunday 3rd July 2022 11:00am

Members only

The competition will continue throughout the day, concluding with the final.

There will be rinks available for a roll-up in the afternoon.

First Aid Refresher Course

Saturday 9TH July 10:00am

Open to all members willing to attend the club house.  Please add your name to the list on the notice board in the club house if you would like to attend.

Australian Pairs Competition

Sunday 10th July 2022 11:00am

Members only

The competition will continue throughout the day, concluding with the final.

There will be rinks available for a roll-up in the afternoon.

If you have a gmail account, you can click the link below to see the draw for this and other internal competitions.  You will need to go through an authorisation process the first time you access the draws. 

Internal Competitions Draws

If you don't have a gmail account, you can create one.  It's free.

Durham County Ladies Two Wood Triples

Wednesday 13th July 9:00am – 4:00pm 

Supporters Welcome

Please note that this event will use all six rinks.

Volunteers are required for the green, kitchen and bar.  If you can help, please add your name to the list on the notice board in the club house.

Brass Band Events

Friday 15th and Saturday 16th July 2022 - afternoons

These events are taking place in the park, and the club house facilities will be available to visitors.

If you would like to volunteer to help in the club house on either or both days, please add your name to the list on the notice board in the club house.

Social Event - Jack Bond Pairs

Saturday 16th July 2022 6:30pm

While the evenings are still light, we are holding a mini bowling competition (four games of four ends), followed by a get-together in the club house. 

The competition is Jack Bond, but played as pairs (so more players can take part, and markers aren't required).  We are also resurrecting the rule that says that if the jack is moved it is returned to its original position.  See the pdf below for more details.

Jack Bond Pairs.pdf

A Talk on life on the Consett Area Railways by ex guard Steve Shields 

This is an event organised by the History of Consett Steelworks group, taking place in Consett Park Bowling Club's club house.

Saturday, 23rd July 2022 11:00am 


Please visit the History of Consett Steelworks Facebook page for more details of this event. 

Volunteers are required for the kitchen and bar.  If you can help, please add your name to the list on the notice board in the club house.

Wild About The Park - Traditional Games 

Thursday 4th August 2022 10:00-12noon and 1:00-3:00pm

This is an event organised by Durham County Council.  

Durham County Council are organising a series of events for  families. They will take place in Blackhill and Consett Park on Thursdays during the school holidays.

Details are on the poster below. If you would like to book, please email Laura Brenchley.

The event on 4th August is "Traditional Games", and families will visit our Club to try their hand at bowling. This is a great opportunity to introduce families to our sport. If you would like to volunteer to help, please add your name to the list on the notice board in the club house.

Wild about the Park Summer poster.pdf

Two Jack Competition

Thursday 4th August 2022 6:00pm

Members only

We will be using the rules from the Ourimbah Bowling Club, in Australia.  The details are in the pdf below, but briefly the changes to the normal game are:

No doubt we will all be suitably confused until we get used to it!  

The entry fee is £1 per person, with half the money going to the winners, and half to the club.

You don't need to sign up in advance, but please be at the Club before 6:00pm, when the draw will be made. 

The bar will be open.  We will probably need it.

Two Jack Bowls.pdf

Social Night

Saturday 6th August 2022 7:00pm

Members and their guests

Paul Adamson will entertain us with some songs.  

The bar will be open.

Open Pairs Competition

Sunday 14th August 2022 9:30am 

We are holding an Open 4 Wood Pairs competition at the club. Food & refreshments will be available.

This event is now fully booked.

If you would like to volunteer to help, please add your name to the sheet on the notice board in the club house.

Consett Theatre Works 

Friday 19th August from 7pm to 10pm

Consett Theatre Works are holding an event in the clubhouse. The bar will be open for refreshments, volunteers to assist would be welcome.


Monday 22nd August 2022 1:30pm


All playing members are welcome to take part.  Please sign up - there is a sheet on the notice board in the club house.

Please be at the club no later than 1.30pm. This will give the organisers time to select teams and prepare the draw for the event on the day.

The bar will be open.  Tea/coffee will be available for the usual £1 donation.

This is a good opportunity for members to play with different people, and in different positions.  There will be a random draw before the start of each game, so everyone has a reasonable chance of winning the competition.

You will play four games of four ends. 

Two Jack Bowls

Tuesday 23rd August 2022 1:30pm


All playing members are welcome to take part.  Please sign up - there is a sheet on the notice board in the club house.

It costs £1 to enter. Half the entry fee goes to the winning team, and the other half to club funds. 

Please be at the club no later than 1.30pm. This will give the organisers time to select teams and prepare the draw for the event on the day

The bar will be open.  Tea/coffee will be available for the usual £1 donation.

We will be using the rules from the Ourimbah Bowling Club, in Australia.  The details are in the pdf below, but briefly the changes to the normal game are:

You will play four games of four ends. 

Two Jack Bowls.pdf

Coaching and Development Sessions

Wednesday 17th August 1pm-4pm & 6pm-8pm

Wednesday 24th August 6pm-8pm only

Wednesday 31st August 1pm-4pm & 6pm-8pm


Coaching and Development Days will take place on the above days.


There is a sign-up poster on the notice board in the clubhouse for members interested in attending these sessions.

Social Night, including Prize Bingo

Saturday 3rd September 2022 7:30pm (doors open 7:00pm)

Members and their guests

There will be a Prize Bingo, starting at about 7:30.  

75% of stakes will be used for prizes. The remaining 25% will support Consett Park Bowling Club.

The bar will be open.  

NWDBL Final at Consett Park Bowling Club

Sunday 4th Sept 2022 2:00pm

Spectators welcome.

Dipton v Pelton Fell 

Please note that the green will not be available for roll-ups or internal competitions while the NWDBL Final is taking place.  Members are welcome to roll-up, or play internal competitions, before and/or after the Final.

Finals Weekend

10th/11th September 2022

Members only. 

The finals of the internal competitions.  

The schedule has been distributed by email. It is available on the Internal Competitions webpage (members only) - you can also see who won.

Refreshments will be available to all the members on Sunday 11th September after the Ladies Champion final match.

Floodlit Competition

Wednesday 14th, Thursday 15th and Friday 16th September 2022 



The Floodlit Competition is to be played over the 3 evenings, dates are Wed 14th, Thu 15th & Fri 16th September. Teams have been drawn from the current list of the 32 names; the schedule of play has been emailed to members.

All those taking part to be at the club from 6pm on Wednesday evening, the matches will commence as soon as the teams are available, we have to fit in 3 matches per team on the first night. It is a league competition over the three nights, so all matches will need to be completed. Entry fee is £2 per player.



Three-persons per team to play each end.

A match will consist of 6 ends.

Teams may inter-change team positions after each end.

The sub can be used/changed at any time in the match.

2 points per win. 1 per draw.

In event of teams having equal points the winner will be decided on best for/against ratio.

Photo from the floodlit competition in September 2021

Jumbles Competition

Sunday 18th September 2022

Members are invited to attend on the last day of play to take part in an organised Jumbles at the club from 1pm. Matches will commence from approximately 2pm. We hope as many members as possible will be able to join us for the last day on the green for the 2022 season. Look forward to seeing you there.

Closing of the green

Sunday 18th September 2022

The closing of the green is after use on Sunday 18th September 2022. 

Start of the Carpet Bowls Season

Tuesday 20th September 2022 1:00pm

Carpet bowls will commence on Tuesday 20th September at 1pm. Anyone interested in playing turn up. Refreshments available.

Social Night - Prize Whist Drive

Saturday 1st October 2022 7:00pm

Members and their guests

The Prize Whist Drive will start at 7:30. 

The entry fee is £2.50, including half-time refreshments. There will be prizes for the winners.

Even if you have never played whist before you are welcome to come along - you'll soon pick it up. Tuition will be provided.

The bar will be open.

Whist Drives, and social events in general, were very popular in the early days of the Club, and  were reported in the local press. You can read reports of Whist Drives that took place in 1924 and 1927.

1924-11-07 Consett Guardian Whist Drive and Dance.pdf
1927-04-01 Consett Guardian Social.pdf

Social Night

Saturday 15th October 2022 7:00pm

Members and their guests

The clubhouse will be open from 7pm, for a games and social night.

The History of Pickfords Haulage with George Nairn 

Wednesday 26th October 2022 7:00pm

This is an event organised by Richard Judd, taking place in Consett Park Bowling Club's club house.

More details

Autumn General Meeting and Social Night

Saturday 5th November 2022 3:00pm


On Saturday 5th November we will be holding our autumn general meeting in the clubhouse from 3pm, this will be followed by the presentation of trophies to the winners and runner’s up of our in-house outdoor bowling competitions throughout 2022. An evening function with music, entertainment, and a buffet style meal will follow the presentation. We hope as many members as possible will attend, as this will be the last opportunity to all meet and discuss the planned events for our centenary year 2023. There is a great deal planned, and it would be of great assistance to hear the combined views of our membership on the proposals that will be put forward at this Autumn meeting.

Craft Fair

Sunday 6th November 2022 11:00-3:00

We have some excellent local crafters and makers lined up for our craft fair.  Please come along and support them. 

Refreshments will be available, and we are repeating the popular Happy Families Bottle Draw - a prize every time, but what will be in the bottle?

Social Night

Saturday 19th November 2022 7:00pm

Members and their guests

On the Saturday 19th November the clubhouse will be open from 7pm for a social function. Should there be enough members attending we will arrange a Bingo and Games evening.

An afternoon of Memories of Shotley Bridge Hospital (and other local Hospitals too) 

Saturday 26th November 2022 12:00pm - 4:00pm

This is an event organised by Richard Judd, taking place in Consett Park Bowling Club's club house.

This event has been cancelled and will be re-organised for some point in 2023.

More details

Poker Night

Saturday 3rd December 2022 7:00pm

This event has been cancelled.

Members and their guests

Come and Support the Club

£5 for Poker Chips

Prizes for Winner

and Runners-up