
History > 2010s


2011 - National Women's Senior Pairs Winners

Teresa Pearson and Gill Jones won the National Women's Senior Pairs.

2012 - Flooded green 

Photographs of the flooded green. 

2013 - Walker Cup Winners

Durham won the Walker Cup, and the winning teams included Gill Jones, Ann Barnard and Teresa Pearson.

2017 - Bowls Durham Women’s – Senior Fours (Over 55’s) 

T.Pearson, E.Stokoe, T.Kitto, and G.Jones won the County Senior Fours competition. 

2018 - Bowls Durham Ladies Double Fours Winners

Eight ladies from Consett Park won the County competition.

2019 - Newbiggin Open Triples Winners

In 2019 Karl Simmonds, Peter Hudspith, and Alan Bell won the Newbiggin Open Triples competition.