History > Before 1923 > 1889
The Consett Public Park Scheme
The Consett Public Park Scheme
This report, from the Northern Echo, 6th September 1889, confirms that the public park scheme had stalled in previous years, and consequently the Company was taking over the running of the Park from the Local Boards.
THE CONSETT PUBLIC PARK SCHEMEA conference has just taken place between representatives of the Consett and Benfieldside Local Boards and the directors of the Consett Iron Company with reference to that much debated question - the public park scheme. The result was that the directors asked the Boards to surrender their land, annul the lease, and the company will take over the ground, lay it out, and keep the park in proper order for the remaining nineteen of the twenty-one years’ lease. The directors also promised to provide a new cricket patch for the Consett Club in the event of their plot in the park being taken from them to carry out the improvements. The proposal of the directors is at present awaiting the confirmation of both Boards, and meetings for that object will be held on the 18th inst.
In Other News
In Other News
On the same page of the Northern Echo was a short article about the Consett Sewage Scheme. In 1891, at the opening of Consett Public Park, Ald. Jenkins spoke favourably about the sanitary conditions in Consett - you can read what he said in the section about the Opening of Consett Public Park, in 1891.
THE CONSETT SEWERAGE SCHEME - On Wednesday night, at the meeting of the Consett Local Board - Ald. W. Jenkins, J.P., in the chair - the final plans (about 16 in number) prepared by Mr Robert Robinson. C.E., of Darlington, for carrying out the great sewage scheme, were finally accepted, and it was resolved to advertise for tenders forthwith, the contractors being bound to complete the undertaking in twelve months. The meeting was adjourned till the 18th inst.