Major Arthur Mangles

History > Hall of Fame > Major Arthur Mangles

Major Arthur Mangles

Major Mangles was hon. secretary of Consett Park Bowling Club from its formation until November 1929He led an interesting life, and we have compiled some brief biographic details (see below).  Are you a descendant of Major Mangles, or know more about him?  If so, we would love to hear from you, and perhaps we could work together to create a fitting tribute to the Major.

Arthur Mangles was born in 1869, in Richmond, Yorkshire. 

The 1881 census records Arthur as a 12 year old scholar.  He was the son of Yorkshireman William Mangles (“Draper Owner & Occupier Of Farm 72 Acres And Occupier Of Farms 53 Acres”) and Catherine, from Devon. Brother Luther and sister Emma were both drapers assistants and his other sister Emma was a 17 year old scholar.

Bulmers Directory of 1890 lists Arthur Mangles in the “Drapers - Linen and Woollen” section, in Newbiggin (part of Richmond).

The 1891 census confirmed Arthur’s occupation as draper, and also records William Lambert as apprentice draper.

1895 sees Arthur Mangles in the Duke Of Wellington's (West Riding Regiment). He served in the Anglo-Boer War, where he was “Wounded Severely on 06/11/1900 at Doornkraal (Official casualty roll location: Bothaville)”.

Arthur married Amy Marion Partridge in 1899, in Elham, Kent

His army records from 1907-20 show that he was in Durham County Volunteer Corps.  He served in the 8th Battalion, The Durham Light Infantry, holding several ranks.

By 1911 Arthur Mangles was living in “29, Church Street, (9 rooms)” in Durham.  This is the location of the New Inn (now known as Whitechurch), and Arthur’s occupation is “brewer”.

The New Inn in the 1920s.  Photograph from the Gilesgate Archive, with permission.

In 1920 Major Mangles was employed by Consett Iron Company, as Welfare Supervisor.

Major Mangles was hon. secretary of Consett Park Bowling Club from its formation until November 1929, when he tendered his resignation because he was leaving the district.

He played for the County team, including appearances in 1927 and 1928.

In 1927 he was elected Chairman of the Yorkshire and Durham Bowling Association.

During the 1920s Major Mangles was involved with many other organisations in the Consett area, including the Boy Scouts, and football, cricket and running clubs.  He also gave lectures, including Notes from a Soldier’s Diary, Scouting for Boys, and Playing the Game, the latter to the Brooms Literary Society.

He died 1st March 1932 at Essex County Hospital, Colchester.

Arthur Mangle's "Short Service" form, completed in 1895. 

The 1911 Census record shows Arthur Mangles, family, and servants in Durham City

The report below is from the Consett Guardian, 2nd December 1921, and reports on a talk by Major Mangles.



Consett Wesleyan Methodism, and particularly that section of its organisation known as the Wesley Guild, during the past week-end as on other Guild festivals, has been favoured with visits from two able men, each from their very dissimilar experiences bringing a strikingly similar message and exhortation for the encouragement and guidance of the Guild, and equally helpful to any other department of the Church’s activities. The preacher at the two Sunday services was Mr. T.J. Jeffrey, of Newbottle, who appealed to the members of the Guild and young people of the congregation generally to be high-principled, united, are courageous in times of test, as were the Hebrew young men in Babylonian captivity. At each service the Choir of the church, and soloist Miss Edna Siddle, co-operated with their fellow workers of the Guild, rendering special music. The special anthem of the evening service was “The Heavens are telling” (“Creation”) in which the trio was rendered by Miss Siddle and Messrs Moyle and Evans. A solo “Hear, Of Israel”, was also rendered by Miss Siddle in her usual able manner.

On Monday evening the Middle St Lecture Hall was well filled to hear Major Mangles, Welfare Supervisor under the Consett Iron Co., give an address on “Notes from a Soldiers Diary.” Major Mangles very quickly found the right note of informality for the presentation of the necessarily few, but choice and interesting notes from his diary of twenty-five years of soldiering, and closed with a suggestion and an appeal to the Guild, and in fact to any organisation engaging in any way for the welfare of the community, to study and apply to their efforts the “esprit-de-corps” of that finest body of men the world has ever known, the British Army, the “Contemptibles,” who because each man knew himself to be the best soldier in the best company of the best regiment, of the finest battalion and the greatest army in the world, when overwhelmingly outnumbered was enabled to hold on and turn the tide.

At this meeting Mr. Jos. Anderson, of Leadgate, presided, and a duet was sung by Miss Olive Tilley and Miss Edna Siddle, and a song by Mr. A. C. Moon. Mr E A Huntley presided at the piano. The Rev R. H. Wray proposed, and Major Lewis seconded a vote of thanks to Major Mangles, and those who contributed to the evening’s entertainment, which was heartily received by the audience.

Major Mangles, visiting Barnard Castle in 1928, spoke after the bowls match.  The report is from the Teesdale Mercury dated 8th August 1928.



Barnard Castle bowlers had Consett Park as visitors on Monday, and though defeated the North-West Durham Club had an enjoyable time. The local Club were winners by the somewhat large margin of 24 shots. At the conclusion of the game the visitors were entertained to tea by the home players, after which Mr W. Emerson, ex-president, extended a hearty welcome to the Consett members. In reply Major A. Mangles, who is president of the Durham and Yorkshire Bowling Association, and a strenuous worker for the game in North-West Durham, spoke of the pleasure it gave them to visit Barnard Castle. Although an old cricketer, he had now being playing bowls for 20 years, and he declared it to be the finest summer game in existence. It encouraged and developed friendship and in other respects fostered the true spirit of sportsmanship. He hoped that the Barnard Castle Club would in the near future pay the Consett green a visit, when they would be assured of a hearty welcome. Although they could not boast of a magnificent building like the Bowes Museum they had at Consett the finest works of their kind in Europe. They had thoroughly enjoyed their visit and he hoped that the friendship formed that day would be renewed in the future to their mutual benefit. 



  Barnard Castle.

J. H. Bainbridge, W. Emerson, H. Hobson. F. Welford (s).................13

J Norton, H. Brown, J. Bailey, J. Franklin (s)..........................26

B. Pratt, B. H. Thompson, J. W. Bewick, J. Applebv (s)..................28

J. G. Hall, J. W. B. Heslop, J. T. Knowles, F. C Dalgarno (s)...........23




C. Almond, V. Hodgson. J. Morgan. B. Wilson (s).........................24

J. Yates. G. T. Wilson, P . Hassall, T. Dunn (s).........................9

A. J. Page, W. R. Dixon. J. H. Turnbull, E. Tindle (s)..................16

R. W. Bell, G. Turnbull, F. J. Simpson, A. Mangles (s)..................17


