History > 1930s > 1934


Consett Bowlers' Dance

On 8th March 1934 The Evening Chronicle reported on Consett Park Bowling Club's whist drive and dance, including all the prize winners.

CONSETT BOWLERS’ DANCEThe Consett Park Bowling Club held its annual whist drive and social evening in St. Aidan’s Hall, Blackhill, last night. Mrs. R. Alsop presented whist prizes to Mrs. Gardner, Miss Graham, Miss Turnbull, Mrs. Nicholson, Mrs. Elliot, Mrs. Adamson, and Messrs. W. Charlton, M. Adamson, W. Spanton, W. Gowland, H. Symington and H. Bitting. Dancing was enjoyed until midnight.

Whist is a lot older than the Club. The "Two Penny Whist" painting below is from 1796.

'Two-penny whist'

by James Gillray, published by Hannah Humphrey
hand-coloured etching, published 11 January 1796
