History > 1930s > 1933



On 17th June 1933 The Sunderland Echo and Shipping Gazette mentioned a Consett Park Bowling Club spoons competition that involved 88 members and was completed in one evening.

They do things thoroughly out Consett way, a district in which the pastime has made rapid strides this last few seasons. In the first spoons competition of the season no fewer than 88 members of the Consett Park Club took part, and this was run through in one evening. Good business. Mention of bowling in the North West Durham area they have a capital 1eague running, the membership being 10 clubs. At the moment East Stanley lead the way, with Allendale a good second. Consett Park, who in the early days had a sort of monopoly in this league, are well down the list. As in other districts, it is a case of levelling up. All the better for the sport.