September 1936

History > 1930s > September 1936

September 1936

Consett Park's "Treble"

This report is from the Newcastle Journal dated 16th September 1936. 

CONSETT PARK'S "TREBLE"By defeating Urpeth Welfare by 85 shots to 82 shots Consett Park became champions of the North-West Durham Bowls League for the third year in succession. They will now meet a Rest of the League side at Consett on Saturday.

The Club's financial accounts confirm that the match took place. The entry in 1936 reads:

"Rest of League v Consett 34 teas @ 1/6"

Those of you who are good at mental arithmetic, and understand old money, will be able to work out the total cost of the teas in pounds, shillings and pence. The answer is below (click the down-arrow to reveal it).  

Total cost of 34 Teas @ 1/6

That answer is two pounds, eleven shillings and no pence.

£2 11s 0d

For the youngsters... 

1/6 was one shilling and sixpence. There were twelve pennies in a shilling, so 1/6 was one and a half shillings.  

34 teas would be 34 x 1½ = 51 shillings.

There were 20 shillings in a pound, so 51 shillings was £2 11s.  
