History > 1930s > 1932


Single-handed Open

On 27th July 1932 The Evening Chronicle reported on Consett Park Bowling Club's second annual single-handed competition.

It would be interesting to know more about this competition - how much it cost to enter, how many bowlers entered, who won, and how much it raised for the Murray Hospital.  If you know any more, please contact us.

Consett Park Bowling Club will hold their second annual single-handed competition on Monday first. The competition is open to all, entries to be sent to Mr. J. W. Lake, Oakwood Road, Bridgehill, by 10.30 a.m. Monday. Play will begin at 1 o'clock.A silver cup has been presented by R. Alsop, chairman of the club, and in addition there will be some valuable prizes.The proceeds will be given to the Murray Hospital.

The Richard Murray Memorial Hospital, later to become the NHS Richard Murray Maternity Hospital (1947-71), was built in 1913 from an endowment of £50,000 left by him.  

Brian Harrison wrote an article about Richard Murray for the Consett Magazine.

Richard Murray Hospital, Blackhill
